The Aggie BSM is 100!

The year 2020 marked 100 years of ministry for the

Aggie BSM! You are invited to join us for a weekend of celebrating, remembering, and looking forward to the future ministry of BSM in the lives of Texas A&M students.

Remember. Rejoice. Reach.

100 Year Celebration Schedule

  • Friday, June 11th, 2021 : 7-10pm, Coffeehouse at the Aggie BSM!  Join us for this come-and-go event with music from our friends: Steven Manuel, '94 / Haley (Edgar) Cain, '15 / and Danny Onaca, '20.    There will also be coffee, desserts, and lots of time to visit and catch up with friends.  Plan to check out the BSM History banners as well!  Kids are welcome.
  • Saturday, June 12th, 2021: 100th Anniversary Celebration Lunch and Program at the Hilton Bluebonnet Ballroom.  Reservation required.  Doors open at 11:30am with Lunch & Program starting at noon, including worship led by Frank Aragon and the Upstream Band and speaker Sam Douglass, ’70.  
  • Saturday, June 12, 2021: Era Breakouts will be smaller gatherings for five BSM Era’s:  Pre-1973, Ron Wells, Mike Graham, Bob Mayfield, and Joel Bratcher.  Find more info about Era Breakouts here.  
  • Sunday, June 13th, 2021: Local church services.  Attend the church you attended in college and join us in giving thanks for those congregations who have supported Aggie BSM over the last 100 years. 

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